Project: "New generation of epichlorohydrin with the application of bioglicerine as a raw material"
Priority Axis 1. Research and development of modern technologies
1.3 Support for R&D projects for entrepreneurs carried out by scientific entities
1.3.1 Development projects
Introducing institution: Information Processing Centre - OPI
Mediating institution: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Managing institution: Ministry of Regional Development
Beneficiary name: Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis "Blachownia"
Agreement Number: UDA-POIG.01.03.01-16-059/09-01
Project value: 1 931 313,69 PLN
EU subsidy: 1 834 578,50 PLN
Duration: 01.05.2009 - 31.01.2013
Description of the project:
The aim of the project was the elaboration and disclosure the process packages of the new technology for obtaining epichlorohydrin for economic entities. This technology is based on a renewable raw-material - bioglycerin, economically competitive and environmentally friendly. Furthermore, the project envisaged the increase of efficiency of glycerin utilization and hydrogen chloride, which is formed as a by-product in chemical syntheses. In addition the project envisaged the solution of the key problem, which is the lack of access with the respect for the principle of free competition to the cheaper raw-material for epoxy resins development, their products and the possibilities of their more efficient utilization.
Project included:
- Process packages for preparation of waste glycerin from biodiesel production for the needs of epichlorohydrin production on plants with 10 000 t/y and 30 000 t/y capacity
- Plant process packages for production of concentrated dichloropropanols with properties which enables production of epichlorohydrin with 10 000 t/y and 30 000 t/y capacity
- Plant process package for production of epichlorohydrin with 30 000 t/y productivity
The final result of the research project available in the market was a new generation of epichlorohydrin technology with use of bioglycerin and gaseous hydrogen chloride, which is formed as a by-product in chemical syntheses. The industry implementation of the new production method will result with the increase of competitiveness of domestic epichlorohydrin production, making the export easier, and giving the opportunities to sell technology license. Cheaper epichlorohydrin will improve the competitiveness of domestic epoxy resins, which will be in significant demand for many years.
This project is now finished.
Contact people:
Gabriela Pulst
Phone: +48 77 487 34 03
fax: +48 77 487 32 60
Project manager:
doc. dr Marian Spadło
Phone: +48 77 487 32 66