Project: "Management of bioglycerol for chemical syntheses"


Priority Axis 1. Research and development of modern technologies
1.3 Support for R&D projects for entrepreneurs carried out by scientific entities
1.3.1 Development projects


Introducing institution: Information Processing Centre
Mediating institution: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Managing institution: Ministry of Regional Development


Beneficiary name: Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis "Blachownia"
Agreement number: UDA-POIG.01.03.01-00-021/08-06

Project value: 5 075 098,18 PLN
EU subsidy: 4 780 826,32 PLN
Duration: 01.07.2008 - 30.11.2015


Information about the project:

The direct aim of this project was the management of waste glycerin which was created as a by-product during the production of biodiesel as a raw-material for chemical syntheses. Economically efficient method to purify the glycerin fraction to the purity required for specific chemical syntheses were elaborated. The purified glycerin can be used for the production of chemicals of much higher market value than the glycerin itself.

The project resulted in technologies of organic synthesis using the naturally existing raw-material and replacement of petrochemical raw-materials, and also improvement of profitability indexes for biodiesel production. As a result of this project the technology to hydrogenate glycerin to propylene glycol was elaborated, which can be used in production of non-freezing liquids and plastics. Also the elaboration of technology to process glycerin to fatty acids esters and glycerol formal which can be used as fuel biocomponents, was the result of the project.

The realization of the project contributed to extension of raw-material base for chemical industry, improved biodiesel production indexes, and indirectly supported strategic programmes tending toward replacement of traditional energy raw-materials with renewable raw-materials.


Contact people:
Magdalena Krowicka
Phone: +48 77 487 31 60


Project manager:
dr eng. Kazimierz Terelak
Phone: +48 77 487 32 45