Project: "Improving the performance characteristics of industrial lubricants with nanoadditives"
within the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020
Priority axis IV: Increasing the research potential
Measure 4.1 Research and Development works
Sub-measure 4.1.4 Application projects
Project acronym: LUBRINAN
Mediating institution: National Centre for Research and Development
Consortium leader: Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis “Blachownia”
Consortium member: Orlen Oil sp. z o.o.
Agreement number: POIR.04.01.04-00-0017/20-00
Project value: 3 116 282,04 zł
EU contribution: 2 646 006,42 zł
Duration: 01.12.2020 - 30.11.2023
Description of the project:
The works are concentrated on elaboration of lubricants line, in which the conventional performance additives are replaced or supplemented by nanocomponents. This line will include products widely used in the industry and motorization.
The test results showed, that it is possible to achieve better performance parameters while using less nanoadditive than conventional additive. The nanoadditive implementation improves lubricants antiwear and antiscuffing properties during longer work of mechanical devices, increased temperature and pressure. It is planned to improve the microbiological contamination protection in the systems that contain water. The improvement of performance parameters was possible due to effective cooperation within consortium, between Orlen Oil and Łukasiewicz – ICSO “Blachownia” with active help from subcontractors.
The key issue will be the nanoadditives modification and the way of introducing them to the base. The first modification method will be the fabrication of superconcentrates using oil or oil-water base, the second method – physicochemical functionalization of nanocomponents.
Products containing nanoadditives will be subjects of physicochemical testing, especially including stability during storage time and usage. Next, they will be subjected to full applicational evaluation in real exploitation conditions and on tribological research stations.
The results of the project – the lubricants line - will be characterized by better performance parameters than the lubricants currently offered by Orlen Oil and its competitors. It is planned to achieve such parameters decreasing at the same time the concentration of conventional functionalizing substances, which will be advantageous from ecological and economical point of view.
Project manager:
mgr inż. Marcin Osika
phone: +48 605 855 048
e-mail: marcin.osika(at)
R&D Manager:
dr inż. Julia Woch
phone: +48 77 4873596
e-mail: julia.woch(at)
Contact person:
mgr Iwona Piebiak
phone: +48 77 4873103
fax: +48 77 4873260
e-mail: iwona.piebiak(at)