Project: "Development and implementation of a new series of lab-scale high-pressure reaction systems"
within the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020
priority IV "Increasing the scientific-research potential"
Action 4.1 "Scientific research adn development works"
Subaction 4.1.2 "Regional scientific-research agendas"
Mediating institution: National Centre for Research and Development
This project is realized within consortium, consisting of:
Consortium leader: Instytut Ciężkiej Syntezy Organicznej „Blachownia”;
Consortium members:
- Zakład Produkcji Doświadczalnej Automatyki Sp. z o.o.
- LabCenter Polska Sp. z o.o.
Agreement number: POIR.04.01.02-00-0080/16
Project acronym: LabReact
Project value: 6 296 579,23 PLN
EU subsidy: 4 233 786,05 PLN
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 30.11.2020
Description of the project:
The main goal of this project is development and implementation of a new series of general-purpose lab-scale high-pressure reactions system, with broad range of auxiliary appliances, which are dedicated mainly for private and public R&D sector. The reactor series is dedicated to realise a broad-range chemical processes, including exo- and endothermic synthesis processes carried out in single- or multiphase environment.
The basis of universalization is the possibility of expansion of reaction system with a broad range of accessories and optional appliances. This accessories enables the reaction systems to
gain additional processing capabilities such as: physical separation, innovative method of taking samples from high pressure, dozing of gaseous and liquids reagents during reaction, also under high pressure, broad range of stirrers also high-rate mass transfer and catalytic baskets.
Apparatus design will be based on experience and know-how, which allows to develop innovative and unique solutions, where during development, the key issues will be functionality, ergonomics and safety.
One of project goal is to create a series of various prototypes, which will be used to run comprehensive diagnostics and to evaluate the specific design. The main purpose of such tests is to optimize the final construction of every device, apparatus or vessels. In the next stage, a demonstrative prototypes will be manufactured and assembled, which will be presented to the final clients, also during fairs or conferences, both internal as well as international.
As the result of this project a final design and construction documentation will be created, as well as the production and service resources and sales network. Designed series of apparatus will also comply to European Commission directives, and if needed regulations of Polish Office of Technical Inspection and ATEX certification, which enables this equipment to be sold outside the Polish border.
Project manager:
MSc Jan Wójcik
phone +48 77 4873453
fax +48 77 4873060
e-mail: jan.wojcik(at)
Contact person:
MSc Magdalena Krowicka
phone + 48 77 4873160
fax +48 77 4873260
e-mail: magdalena.krowicka(at)