"Synthetic Components and Additives for Ecological Gasoline"
Started in 2003 in co-operation with Institute of Petroleum Processing, Poland; PKN Orlen S.A., Poland; Lubrizol International Laboratories, United Kingdom; Petrochemia Blachownia, Poland and Synteza S.A., Poland. The project ended in 2006.
The aim of the project was to elaborate ecological, high quality gasoline formulations that meet the most stringent requirements specified by the World- Wide Fuel Charter for the highest (3 and 4) categories.
The project was representing an integrated approach to the optimization of gasoline components in order to get ecological fuel for the rapidly growing motor industry. It includes both the elaboration of the gasoline formulation, containing bio-ethanol and/or other oxygenates, and also the development of an optimal additives package and its dosage in order to limit deposits formed in the engine.
The new formulations were based on the latest world trends and local conditions simultaneously. The composition of oxygenates was optimized, taking into consideration renewable components (bio-ethanol and ethyl ethers) and advanced additives package.