Development of tailor-made PHB composites for technical applications
Project realized within frames of ERA-IB2
(Industrial Biotechnology, 7th call)
Project supported by:
- National Centre for Research and Development
- Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project acronym: PHBMARKET
Project partners:
- Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V./Germany
- Biotrend SA/Portugal
- Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres/Poland
- Institute of Heavy Organic Synthesis "Blachownia"/Polska
Project No.: ERA-IB-16-044
Project value: 934 000,00 EUR
Subsidy: 794 000 EUR
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2019
Aim of the project:
PHB2MARKET will develop 100 % renewable composites with high added value, build from polyhydroxyalkanoate polymer (PHB), cellulose nanofibers (CNFs) and biobased multifunctional plasticizers (BMPs). Those materials will be created from biomass or industrial wastes, using environmental friendly biotechnical and chemical processes.
Project manager (ICSO):
PhD Marek Warzała
phone +48 77 4873033
fax +48 77 4873060
e-mail: marek.warzala(at)
Contact person (ICSO):
Katarzyna Czekajło
phone + 48 77 4873261
fax +48 77 4873060
e-mail: katarzyna.czekajlo(at)